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A Terrified Dream

I don't know have you ever experience any realistic dream. 
Well, it just happened to me.

Just recent, I dreamt of something. Something terrified. 

It was a man, chasing my family and I. Until he cornered us into a room, my bedroom. We tried to close the door as fast as we can. However, we failed. he kicked off the door and pointing the gun at me.

For an unknown reason, I was brave enough. Too brave to kick him away but that was failed. He is angry. He grabs me with his hairy buff arm, strangle my neck as to avoid I escaped. Then, He pointed the gun at my forehead and I can feel he is going to open fire. 

And that moment, I know this is a dream so, I tried to force myself to wake up. 

I woke up. 

My heart beat so fast.

I was so real.
Too real.

What was that about?

The man he grabs me, the gun was ready to fire. I can feel it. 

That... That was too terrified. 
